Raider Red Meats Online Store

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1/3 lb. Beef Patties Bulk

Our beef homestyle patties are excellent and simple to use. They come ready to throw on the grill so you can have a seamless meal ready in minutes. This box contains 30 1/3lb. patties that pair perfect with our steak seasoning.

Premium Beef Stew

Our Beef Stew Meat is perfect for adding flavor and a source of protein to each bite of your stew. Our premium stew meat is trimmed from our Premium Ribeye Rolls and cut into approximately 1-inch cubes that will become "melt-in-your-mouth-tender" after slow cooking.

Italian Sausage Bratwurst

Made with our original recipe at our very own facility, our Italian bratwursts are a staple meal for summertime. Not only are they delicious and full of your favorite Italian seasonings, you can grill them quickly to fit into your busy summer schedule. Pair it with some of your favorite sides, and you have a delicious meal that will keep you full for hours!